
In September 2015, the United Nations approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which contains 17 goals. Issue 5 is “achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls.” All signatory governments have stated that achieving the fifth goal will contribute decisively to the progress of the other goals.

Goal 5 sets six milestones in very different areas; from preventing any form of gender-based violence to ensuring universal access to sexual and reproductive health. At 50a50 we support all goals, but we focus our mission on achieving the following goal:

  • 50a50. Ensuring the full and effective participation of women, and equal leadership opportunities in all areas of decision-making in political, economic and public life

To achieve this goal and to implement the 2030 Agenda, governments are asking for the support of businesses and civil society as a whole. That is why this association was born, with the aim of extending support for SDG 5 to as many people, companies and institutions as possible.

Entering the economic and business institutions representing Catalonia is a women’s right contemplated by the Equality Law (17/2015) approved by the Parliament of Catalonia, and it is an obligation that all organizations must fulfill in order to be representative, democratic and have the right to access public subsidies.

Decalogue of 50a50 members

The 50a50 Association is defined by the following decalogue, which is subscribed to by all members at the time of registration:


  • Subscribe to the association’s newsletter

  • You will be part of the community of friends of 50a50


  • Check the agenda of activities of the association

  • We organize after-works, reading club meetings, networking sessions and leadership and feminism training workshops


  • Find out about the actions developed and the activities already organized

  • Follow us on social media: Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn

Become a member

  • Take another step towards parity and contribute financially

  • Access training, professional promotion, visibility and networking services