Plain language, key to improving written communication

Laia Terrón has given a skills workshop for the #Lideratge50a50 cycle, focused in this case on professional writing. Under the title “Your writing defines you”, it has been a very practical session in which the participating members have ended up very satisfied.

Laia Terrón, professional writing trainer for companies and institutions, explained how plain language is perfect for moving towards a better understanding of messages, especially in digital media.

In her opinion, a text is professional when it is written with a clear and understandable lexicon, when it uses good punctuation, when it achieves the objective for which it is written, and when it is written with the readers in mind.

She has advised structuring a text well and maintaining the natural order of the elements in a sentence, as well as being vigilant with the subsections, both for length and location and for abuse. In this sense, she has said that the ideal sentence does not consist of more than 25 or 30 words.