What role does women play in new tourism? – Join the closing ceremony of the European project Off the Beaten Track

The European project Off the beaten track comes to an end after a year and a half of work and international cooperation where we have offered empowerment tools to women workers in the tourism and cultural sectors, we have created a network of contacts at European level and we have accompanied the participants in the ideation of new formulas that improve the current tourism offer from a gender perspective.

Next Tuesday, January 30, we invite you to the closing ceremony where we will present the results of the project and offer a round table with women experts in the sector to discuss the potential of women as a target audience in the tourism sector.

In addition, once again on our journey, we want to create a space for debate and community among the attendees that encourages dialogue and synergies between the professionals, so at the end of the event we will have a time of networking.


18.30 Welcome

18.30 – 18.45 Presentation and results of the Off the beaten track project

18.45 – 19.30 Round table, “What role does women play in new tourism? We explore the potential of the female target in the new tourism models”.


Ma Victòria Silberstein, Head of Commerce and Tourism of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce.Dr. Daniela Freund, professor and researcher, coordinator of the Tourism and Hotel Management degrees at IQS (Ramon Llull University) and specialized in female leadership.Núria Abell.n, researcher at the TURCiT Research Group at the CETT Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy.Marta Soto, director of the Gruppit travel agency.Moderated by Ariadna Belver, economist, director and presenter of the “Leaderships” program of Onda Cero, and member of the board of directors of the 50a50 Association.

19.30 – 20.00 Networking & Friends

Book your place.