This week we have been in Tallinn, Estonia, on the occasion of the last meeting of the European project “Off the beaten track” ‘OTBT, in which ’50a50participat as a partner.

They have represented the association Ariadna Belver Comin, member of the board of directors, and Neus Jordi Ballester, European project technician.

The meeting took stock of the impact of the project: more than 80 women entrepreneurs from Spain, Italy, Estonia and Slovakia participated, who have developed a total of 12 business projects with the support of women mentors and women changemakers and following a training itinerary that has included design thinking methodology for the conceptualization of business plans and training capsules on soft skills.

We will explain all the details in the final event of the project in Barcelona, on Tuesday, January 30 at the Almogàvers Incubator. Sign up if you have not yet done so: