On Monday, November 27, we present another session of the Reading Club 50a50, where we will talk about the work “Nuevos hombres buenos: La masculinidad en la era del feminismo”. In addition, we will have the pleasure of having its author, Ritxar Bacete.

This work expresses the need for men to break with the foundations of an unequal society of sexist and patriarchal structure. Not only because it violates women’s rights but because, although many do not know, they have alibis for their freedom to be. She also claims the goodness of men, and the gift that feminism offers to grow and be critical of dominant and toxic hegemonic masculinity.

One of the fundamental aspects of new masculinities is “positive paternity”, understood as empathy men, dedicated to the care of their loved ones. The author explained that “given the rest we feminize ourselves, even biologically”. She exposed some studies that state that children from more egalitarian families are less violent and more empowered, safe, equitable and better educated. The future therefore lies in generating transformative and positive models, based on diversity, justice, equity, dialogue and peace. And Ritxar Bacete Gonz-lez is optimistic because he ensures that cultural constructions can be changed.

“Members also need feminism, it is a liberating philosophy that places us in front of the mirror.”.

That is why we are waiting for you on Monday, November 27th at 18:30 on the Zoom platform, to talk about this wonderful work with its author, Ritxar Bacete, as well as share all our doubts and concerns about the theme it addresses.

Free session aimed at members and non-members, with prior registration: info:50a50.org