On Monday, January 29, from 6.30 p.m. to 8 p.m., the first session of this year’s reading club of the association 50a50a the Llibreria Ona by Pau Clarís will take place. This time, we will talk about a work by the author Gemma Ruiz, entitled “Les nostres mares”.

What was your mother dreaming of? Whatever it was, he probably had to stay in the checker. The protagonists of this novel, born during the dictatorship, do not let them unfold their talent. But they face each other and they don’t approach anything or anyone. And with sororority and joy, they flee the domestic cage, they maintain the artistic drive, they dare to the most unthinkable for the love of a son, they lead the neighborhood struggles, they discover feminism and they go up to those charterers in London to be masters of their destiny.

Les nostres mares want to honor the generation that gave up dreams so that their daughters could choose.

After getting to know these ten powerful women, we will realize something extraordinary: that although only male figures are always recognized, it turns out that the true referents of life were them, the real referents of life were them, the ones that were
Our mothers.

So, we are waiting for you every Monday, January 29 at the Llibreria Ona (Pau Clarís 94), to talk about this moving book in a new session of the feminist reading club 50a50.

The session is free of charge upon registration through this form. It is aimed at both members and people outside the association.